Every Disney Animated Movie Since 2000 - Ranked

1. Zootopia

Lilo And Stitch Elvis

Throughout the 21st century so far, Walt Disney Animation Studios have attempted with varying degrees of success to straddle the divide between their traditional hand drawn animation and CGI, bridging the gap between the old and the new, sometimes phasing out the songs which their movies were once famous for and trying new approaches.

Zootopia is the Disney movie which succeeds the most in bringing the studio well and truly into the new millennia, certainly when it comes to the scope of the world-building on display. Focusing on the story of a rabbit called Judy Hopps (Ginnifer Goodwin), eager to be a successful cop in the eponymous city of animals, she teams up with a red fox con artist (Jason Bateman) after discovering a plot to revert all predators in the city to their wild, carnivorous state of being.

Few other Disney movies have that grand appeal which we're used to from Pixar: you can feel that a unique vision has been seen through to the end, replete with dozens of well-observed touches. It also offers a timely message about prejudice and cooperation without ramming the political undercurrent down the audiences' throat.

Most of all it's a whole lot of fun, packed with great characters, hilarious gags and a visual scope which lives up to the title.

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