Every Guy Ritchie Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

7. King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword

King Arthur Legend of the Sword Charlie Hunnam
Warner Bros.

Ritchie was certainly an inspired choice to helm a big-budget King Arthur reboot, and while undeniably rough around the edges, Legend of the Sword is surely the most underrated film in his entire back catalogue.

Charlie Hunnam makes for a likeable geezer version of the titular hero, and the supporting cast is a lot of fun, especially Jude Law as the hilariously hammy King Vortigern.

Sharp editing keeps the pace snappy, the quip-happy dialogue is a lot of fun, the action sequences are solid - if overly reliant on CGI - and Daniel Pemberton's musical score is probably better than the movie really deserves.

Though it's already a bit of a cult fave among Ritchie's fans, it tanked critically and commercially, failing to even recoup its (admittedly overpriced) $175 million budget.

It's certainly the better of Ritchie's two dalliances with mega-budget filmmaking, even if in every sense that counts it was a failure.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.