Every Halloween Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

10. Halloween II (2009)

Halloween Kills

Plot: Michael Myers (Tyler Mane), driven by visions of his dead mother (Sheri Moon Zombie), terrorizes Haddonfield once again as he tries to capture his sister Laurie (Scout Taylor Compton).

Halloween II (2009), with its surreal dream sequences and array of unexpected cameos - most notably from Weird Al Yankovic, playing himself - is the strangest film in the series and one of the weirdest slasher movies out there. But not in a good way.

In fairness, it's nowhere near as bad as Resurrection or Curse. The acting is good and Rob Zombie deserves credit for trying something so different, but he just didn't nail the execution.

The entire film, with its murky lighting, jarring editing, obnoxious characters and dialogue which is mainly 'effing' this and 'effing' that, is incredibly ugly and repulsive, while it also fails to ever be scary or suspenseful.

As well as this, the dream sequences are mostly just really silly, the story is never involving and it all concludes with a limp finale that doesn't offer any sort of catharsis.

It also ruins all three of the main characters. Laurie is very tiresome, Dr Loomis is suddenly a complete bastard for no apparent reason and Michael Myers spends most of the film having weird visions of his dead mum and with his mask off.

The director's cut is a little better, but this remains an ambitious failure whichever version you watch.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.