Every Highest Grossing Film Since 2000 Ranked

16. Avatar

Avatar Money
Paramount Pictures

Year: 2009

Rest Of The Top Ten:

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, 2012, Up, The Twilight Saga: New Moon, Sherlock Holmes, Angels & Demons and The Hangover.

James Cameron beat his own box-office record with Avatar and it's still the highest-grossing film Ever. Unsurprisingly, it's now cool to hate Avatar and these days it's hard to find anyone who actually likes it. Therefore, its low placing could seem like jumping on a bandwagon but bandwagons exist for a reason.

Avatar forgoes some interesting ideas about humanity, war and spiritualism - not to mention some impressive world-building - in favor of being a visual showcase and nothing more. The special effects are some of the best in history, yet even they can't distract from Avatar's flat narrative, weak characters and generally robotic feel.

The haters are right: Avatar isn't that good and when watched in a small screen this only becomes clearer. As it should go without saying, four sequels is totally unnecessary and there are many better uses for the billions that will inevitably be spent on more versions of Pocahontas in Space (or Dances with Blue People).

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.