Every Jared Leto Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

28. Morbius (2022)

Jared Leto Suicide Squad
Sony Pictures Releasing

Oh boy. It isn't recency bias to say that Jared Leto's latest is one of the worst films of his career, and certainly his most high-profile misfire.

Though Leto brings sufficient commitment to the part, Sony's latest stab at a Marvel tentpole is a horribly written, haphazardly edited, and unintentionally risible mess.

Clearly hacked to pieces in post-production and feeling in its very bones like a basic-assembly superhero film from 20 years ago, Morbius is a spectacularly inept, uninspired piece of work.

Shoutout to Matt Smith, though, whose delightfully daft performance is the best thing here. Otherwise, this is blockbuster filmmaking as its most lazy and soulless.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.