Every Joker Movie Performance EVER Ranked From Worst To Best

6. Cesar Romero (Batman: The Movie)

Cesar Romero - The Joker
20th Television

Though it's easy to dismiss Cesar Romero's rendition of the Clown Prince of Crime as excessively campy, his performance as The Joker in both the 60s TV series and 1966's Batman: The Movie crystallised what would become many of the character's key tics.

The Joker's signature cackle was effectively pioneered by Romero, helping generate a villain at once hysterically entertaining and unnervingly deranged. Hell, can you name any other Jokers who just painted over their mustache? (In fairness, Romero flat-out refused to shave it).

Romero is also unique as the oldest live-action movie Joker, pushing 60 years of age when he took the part.

To younger audiences seeing him now for the first time, he might appear a little too harmlessly silly for his own good, yet he nevertheless made his mark as an unhinged prankster in part of a crowded rogues' gallery.

As an indelible entry in the character's movie history, he's vitally important, even if subsequent portrayals hugely refined his efforts.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.