Every Leonardo DiCaprio Movie Ranked Worst To Best

16. Gangs Of New York (2003)

Leonardo DiCaprio Shutter Island

The first collaboration between Leonardo DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese is also their weakness, a fact not surprising given how marvellous future films would prove to be. That being said, Gangs of New York is still a far-cry from failure.

Following DiCaprio's vengeful orphan Amsterdam as he hunts the man who killed his father, Scorsese's epic historical drama is stunning and violently bleak, and it gives DiCaprio ample opportunity to capture Amsterdam's rage and cunning as he barrels toward the confrontation he's been waiting for.

DiCaprio is great in the role, and serves as the film's emotional centre, though there's no denying he's left in the dust by the towering performance of Daniel Day-Lewis and Scorsese's ambition, which ultimately proves too big for one movie to contain.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.