Every Live-Action Superman Movie & TV Show Ranked

13. Justice League

Superman Movies
Warner Bros.

One of Superman’s strangest appearances on film, the Justice League live action was a mess, particularly when it came to Henry Cavill’s Superman.

After (spoilers) dying at the hands of Doomsday in Batman V Superman, Superman was resurrected by the team, leading into the final act of the film. The issue with this portrayal of Superman was the inconsistency. The Superman in this film feels completely different to the character we knew from the previous instalments.

Cavill’s performance is fine in this film, but it's nothing spectacular. However, he does show a little bit more range in terms of embodying the Superman of the comic books. While the writing is underwhelming, Cavill does manage to make a likeable Man of Steel, the issue comes from the script and the various production problems that plagued this film.

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Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.