Every Live-Action Superman Movie & TV Show Ranked

12. Superman (1948)

Superman Movies
Columbia Pictures

The original on-screen Superman was very much a product of it’s time. Released in 1948, the Man of Steel was the star of an adventure serial. An adventure serial was a series of 20 minutes episodes that all held together as one story. Very similar to what television is now.

Wearing the iconic cape was Kirk Alyn who was quite impressive as Superman. He was very much a figure of the times and conveyed the post war heroism that America needed in 1948. The serial captured the day-to-day of Superman, from the Daily Planet to the skies.

Superman (1948) is very much a product of the times. It is a piece of comic book lore that is often brushed over. While it is very simplistic storytelling in some places, the overall character is portrayed very well. A good first outing for the Last Son of Krypton.

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Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.