Every Major Cinematic Universe Ranked From Worst To Best

10. DC Extended Universe

Star Wars Shared Universe
Warner Bros.

It would be fair to say that no cinematic universe has divided opinion quite like the DCEU, and even after five movies the debate rages on. Wonder Woman aside, none of the movies have been particularly well-received by critics, but all have been defended to the hilt by ardent DC fans.

Each entry in the shared mythology does have its merits (well, except maybe Suicide Squad), and Wonder Woman was undoubtedly a roaring success no matter which way you look at it, but it isn't without merit to say that DC's roster of heroes are lagging far behind their great rivals over at Marvel.

The rush to establish a cinematic universe has resulted in muddled continuity, underdeveloped characters, half-baked plot threads, crap villains and some frequently terrible CGI spread across the entire franchise, despite some decent performances from several key players and a few memorable action sequences to boot.

With Justice League, a project once virtually guaranteed to be a billion dollar hit, turning out to be the lowest-earning entry in the DCEU to date, the franchise faces a pivotal moment in its history over the next eighteen months. The relatively-risky Aquaman and Shazam! could either rebuild the reputation of the extended universe or sink it completely, leaving Wonder Woman 2 and The Batman as the only nailed-on successes in the studio's immediate future.

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