Every Major MCU Hero's Greatest Ever Moment

1. Tony Stark - The Snap

Captain America Mjolnir Worthy Avengers: Endgame

Tony Stark was the face of the Marvel Cinematic Universe for over ten years, and on top of starting the ball rolling on the whole thing back in 2008, it was he who ended the Infinity Saga with the snap of his fingers in 2019.

There are many classic Tony moments throughout the years, as he has proved himself a hero on more than one occasion, time and time again proving Steve Rogers' first impression of him wrong, but this was arguably one of the greatest moments in all of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Tony had become obsessed with protecting the world after Thanos sent Loki in 2012, and though this almost led to him destroying it with Ultron, he was finally able to quiet the demons inside of him. He crafted the time travel GPS, brought the Infinity Stones together in his own gauntlet, and snapped his fingers to rid the universe of Thanos and his forces despite knowing it would be the death of him.

His vision was for a future where the world didn’t need the Avengers, and he and his teammates could retire. While this didn’t quite come true, after this most selfless act, he at least was finally able to rest.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.