Every Martin Scorsese Movie Ranked Worst To Best

23. Cape Fear (1991)

Martin Scorsese Films Ranked
Universal Pictures

Of all the films made throughout his career, Cape Fear is perhaps Scorsese's most consistently disturbing, following a psychopathic rapist (Robert De Niro) who seeks twisted revenge on the lawyer (Nick Nolte) he blames for his recent imprisonment.

Horribly dark, Scorsese's remake of the 1962 film of the same name is twisted and thrilling, and you can feel how much he and De Niro are relishing the opportunity to hold nothing back. Unfortunately, its relentless bleakness eventually becomes quite overbearing, beating you down with its cruelty.

Cape Fear is a revolting little thriller featuring some of Scorsese's best images - Max Cady's watery fate, for example - but it's a tough ride. And besides, The Simpsons did it better.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.