Every Marvel Cinematic Universe Villain Ranked Worst To Best

25. Heinz Kruger - Captain America: The First Avenger

Captain America Heinz Kruger
Marvel Studios

Plan: To assassinate Abraham Erskine and end the super soldier programme.

Status: Deceased by his own hand.

Richard Armitage's master assassin is like a character ripped right out of James Bond - or any other spy story - lore, who appears for one impactful scene and then dies before he can really reveal any of his secrets, leading the hero to his master eventually.

He's successful in his plot to effectively end the super soldier programme, since he destroys the lab (and they had no back-ups, apparently) and kills Erskine, and his escape offers the first chance to show off Cap's new powers. But he's only on screen for a matter of minutes and the fact that he exists to die limits his longevity.

He does get a cool death though, with his Hail HYDRA infused suicide, and it's one of the first indications of the zeal of Cap's main enemy.


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