Every Marvel Cinematic Universe Villain Ranked Worst To Best

24. Dormammu - Doctor Strange

Dormammu Dr Strange
Marvel Studios


Status: Banished from Earth. For now, anyway.

There's nothing wrong with Dormammu as a character - particularly in terms of the portrayal of his powers - or indeed with the scene in which he repeatedly kills Doctor Strange, but he's let down a little by his magical corduroy face design. He just looks a little too silly, and it's a major travesty that they didn't go with the flaming head design from the comics.

Sure, Ghost Rider spoiled that image a little, but this was not a good replacement look.

There's a slight sense that Doctor Strange went too big, too early: they've effectively written themselves into a corner and will have to escalate for the sequel. And how do you get bigger than a monster who dwarves planets?

Because of that size and the unthinkable scale of the character, he exists mostly as a power concept, without character development and while the scene he appears in is entertaining, he lacks the appeal of more personal, intimate villains.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.