Every Marvel Cinematic Universe Villain Ranked Worst To Best

16. Justin Hammer - Iron Man 2

Justin Hammer Sam Rockwell.jpg
Marvel Studios

Plan: Good old-fashioned capitalist greed: he wants to destroy Tony Stark and become the chief manufacturer of military-grade armor suits.

Status: Locked up in Seagate Prison.

Sometimes it's the least spectacular villains who leave some of the biggest marks, and Sam Rockwell's Justin Hammer absolutely fits that bill, even despite the poorer quality of the film he appears in.

In Rockwell's hands, Hammer is a simpering loser with delusions of grandeur who bought his way into relevancy - and into trouble - manipulating himself into a position challenging Tony Stark as the world's premier weapons maker. He's the definition of a passive villain, using other bigger guys to do his bidding (in terms of Whiplash) and never actually raising his hands in anger.

He works because he's a snake and a dark mirror of Tony Stark himself, and it's that clash that makes him most interesting.


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