Every Marvel Cinematic Universe Villain Ranked Worst To Best

15. Yellowjacket - Ant-Man

Yellowjacket Ant-Man
Marvel Studios

Plan: To replicate Hank Pym's Ant-Man technology and sell it to HYDRA.

Status: Crushed to death.

Driven by a-near Oedipal conflict with his mentor Hank Pym, Darren Cross is far from a super-villain in the same terms as the likes of Ultron and Loki, but he suits Ant-Man as he allows the heroes more space to grow.

And thanks to Corey Stoll's performance, he works well enough without ever really being particularly memorable (until he puts on the Yellowjacket suit). It's in that performance where his complexity really shows - he's insecure, vulnerable and obsessive and he's definitely borderline psychotic.

He's menacing and manipulative - and gets one of the MCU's best kills when he turns an enemy into the product of a bloody sneeze - and he's the star of the franchise's most beautifully silly scenes in the Thomas The Tank sequence. He's a little pathetic at times - which is precisely the point - but the moment he puts on the suit and finally gets a chance to show his worth to his mentor, he really blossoms.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.