Every Marvel Cinematic Universe Villain Ranked Worst To Best

13. Nebula - Guardians Of The Galaxy

Guardians Of The Galaxy Nebula Karen Gillanjpg
Marvel Studios

Plan: To do her father's bidding. Then to destroy her father and her sister.

Status: Redeemed, and now on a murderous rampage against Thanos.

Nebula is, of course, the adopted daughter of Thanos and sister of Guardians hero Gamora, who allied herself with Ronan the Accuser under her father's bidding, and then even after the Kree villain betrayed his master. She ultimately vowed to follow Ronan forever if he was able to kill Thanos.

In essence, she's a broken toy, abused and tormented as a child for not being as good as her sister and forged by violence, so it's no surprise that she's a toxic figure when we first meet her. She's also hugely impactful thanks to her tech-enhanced invulnerability that sees her bones literally click back into place.

She's a far more interesting villain than Ronan, and while she's now changed her allegiance after the sequel, seeing her get to fight Gamora finally was a wonderfully cathartic experience. The revelation of her backstory just made her even more complex, which was absolutely no bad thing.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.