Every Marvel Cinematic Universe Villain Ranked Worst To Best

12. Ellen Brandt/Eric Savin - Iron Man 3

Savin Iron Man 3
Marvel Studios

Plan: The pair of Extremis soldiers were Killian's boots on the ground, enacting his agenda to wipe out Tony Stark.

Status: Deceased.

She might have had rubbish hair, but Ellen Brandt was a level above the usual muscle characters in MCU movies in Iron Man 3. She was given a typically complex backstory, thanks to her status as a veteran who lost a limb in active service, and the powers afforded by the Extremis virus made her more than just a filler.

Alongside her, Eric Savin was even better. Played with irresistible menace by James Badge Dale, he was a notch above her in terms of his unhingement from reality and his brutality (he basically almost kills Happy Hogan of all people). There's definitely a Terminator relentless spirit about him.

And while both end up being killed, they're pretty much the only glorified henchmen given anything like a backstory, and their powers make them legitimate threats and not just cannon fodder.


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