Every Marvel Cinematic Universe Villain Ranked Worst To Best

11. Abomination - The Incredible Hulk

Abomination Hulk
Marvel Studios

Plan: To destroy the Hulk.

Status: Locked away by SHIELD.

People might not like to admit it, but thanks to the post-credits stinger in The Incredible Hulk, the second modern Hulk movie is firmly part of the MCU, and ignoring it won't make it go away. It's also better than both Iron Man 2 and Thor: The Dark World, so it deserves at least some credit.

It deserves even more credit for introducing The Abomination - Tim Roth's over-the-top, scene-chewing Emil Blonsky gone big - who has thus far offered the only real equal threat to the Jade Giant (aside from the Hulkbuster of course).

Roth is inevitably hammy, but he's the most entertaining part of the film and when he transforms into the monstrosity for the final act, it kicks off one of the most epic action scenes in the franchise. And thankfully, the door is still open for him to potentially return.


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