Every Marvel Comic Book Movie In Development (& Rumoured) Ranked

9. Iron Man 4/Ironheart

Iron Man 4.jpg

Status: Rumoured

Release: TBC

Recent Updates?

The idea of a straight Iron Man 4 movie has been thrown up a fair few times over the years, but the conversation has mostly ground to a halt now that Avengers 4 is on its way and Tony Stark's fate remains unclear.

But recently, there has been a rumour that we could get to see a different sort of Iron Man movie - a legacy movie involving Riri Williams, who would take over as Ironheart. This came out of the presence of a script by Jada Rodriguez, which appeared on The Black List.

Will It Happen?

Whether Robert Downey Jr plays him or not, Marvel will know that Iron Man is basically their blue-chip commodity in the MCU. He's worth billions at the box office and the idea of them scrapping the brand entirely is illogical (and would be counter-productive). Even if he's passing the mantle on to Riri Williams (which is likely since a script couldn't exist without the rights being given to Rodriguez specifically).

So even if the Ironheart rumour turns out to be incorrect and even if RDJ retires, there is definitely going to be SOME sort of Iron Man movie in the future.

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