Every Marvel Comic Book Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

40. Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance

Ghost Rider Spirit Of Vengeance
Columbia Pictures

Just five years after Nic Cage first played old smoky head, Columbia believed they finally had the best model for making that film work - by using Crank's duo of mentally unhinged director - Neveldine and Taylor - to push the silliness for half the cost. The first trailer seemed to suggest they'd achieved that, making it look twice as interesting as its predecessor, but on reflection of the final product, the uplift in quality was not as grand as they probably would have hoped.

The CGI remains pretty great and Nic Cage at least looks he had fun, but it's still troubled with a terrible plot, struggles with undeveloped characters and the decision to remove the restraint from Cage's performance went exactly as you might expect that to go.

It made quite a lot of money given how poor it is, and by the slimmest of margins it did outdo the first film, but there was no way Columbia were going to be making more Johnny Blaze flicks.

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