Every Marvel Comic Book Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

38. Thor: The Dark World

thor the dark world
Marvel Studios

Despite the very smart hire of Game Of Thrones' veteran Alan Taylor to replace sadly outgoing Kenneth Branagh, Thor: The Dark World is streets ahead of the competition as the worst MCU movie to date.

Rather frustratingly, the film does have some good ideas, like using Loki as a Hannibal Lecter type and the general thinking behind introducing the Dark Elves and the way they write the Aether into the wider MCU, but the overall package is poor, to say the least.

The script is very poor - particularly in terms of the human characters - Christopher Eccleston no more than a Doctor Who monster of the week and Taylor replaces the perfect theatricality Branagh had brought to Thor with a more sombre, glum mood that sucks way too much fun out. unfortunately, he then seems to have thought that giving Kat Dennings too much to do and giving Stallen Skarsgard a mental illness/nudity mash-up gag scene was the right tonic to restore balance.

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