Every Marvel Comic Book Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

37. Fantastic Four (1994)

Roger Corman Fantastic Four Movie
New Horizons

Existing in the special cult space reserved for only the most notorious films, Roger Corman's exercise in retaining rights will forever go down in history as a cynical attempt to keep hands on Fantastic Four without really caring about making a good film.

Unreleased officially (it has been bootlegged widely), Corman's hilarious B-movie disaster reportedly was never even supposed to be finished, but another take suggests Avi Arad took one look at it and cancelled any release, burning all but his copy of the prints.

It is not a good film by any stretch of the definition; in fact, it is provocatively bad and at times laughably stupid, but it is at least a good deal of fun. And because of the nature of its "release", it's possible to enjoy it as a kitsch exhibit without worrying that anyone was actually taking it too seriously.

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