Every Marvel Comic Book Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

45. Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer

Fantastic Four Rise Of The Silver Surfer
20th Century Fox

When the not-very-good Fantastic Four made an unfeasible amount of money at the box office, it was inevitable a sequel would follow, and Fox were so buoyed by that success that they sought to go bigger and bolder. And how much bigger could you go then introducing Galactus, the eater of worlds?

The studio, rather unfortunately, also combined that good idea with a director who just wasn't up to the project, in Tim Story, who singularly failed to stamp any style or authority on the sequel. Not that he had a good script to work from in the first place or a good cast (okay, Chris Evans was there but even he wasn't the same actor who would later play Cap) to try and save it.

Apparently, nobody working on the sequel got the memo that there are absolutely no circumstances in which having superheroes dance is a good idea. Perhaps they were all too busy congratulating themselves on turning one of the most striking looking villains in comic book history into a bloody great cloud...?

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