Every Movie That Received An F CinemaScore Ranked From Worst To Best

2. Solaris (2002)

Solaris 2002
20th Century Fox

One suspects a filmmaker of Steven Soderbergh's singularity would take an F grade as a badge of honour, because when he made this slow, quiet, psychological retelling of Stanislaw Lem's 1961 sci-fi novel - more famously adapted by Andrei Tarkovsky in 1972 - he surely knew exactly what he was doing.

Marketing the movie was an absolute headache for Fox, who understandably decided to focus on the romance and the visual majesty of the movie, even if its oft-brutal pacing - even with a mere 98-minute runtime - made it a tough sit for casual audiences.

It doesn't begin to match the brilliance of Tarkovsky's original, but the performances have a haunting, understated bleakness to them, the style is marvellous - especially Cliff Martinez's killer score - and like almost all Soderbergh films, it feels subtly subversive even in its more conventional moments.

Just don't watch it late at night, because you'll probably fall asleep.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.