Every Muppet Movie Ranked Worst To Best

6. Muppets Most Wanted

muppet movie

The Muppets Most Wanted is a relatively underappreciated title. While it certainly has its drawbacks, there is a tonne of fun to be had in this film that often gets overlooked. It has many great jokes - mostly centred on attacking sequels - and a hilarious story of an evil version of Kermit.

Seeing all of the characters back again after the success of their first rebooted movie is exciting, and right off the bat, they make it clear that this film will not be taking itself too seriously. The incredibly catchy introduction song sets up the story quickly, and you are thrown right into the action. It then follows a similar trajectory, being always energetic and forward moving.

Sadly there are a few faults that bring it down, mostly from the fact that it overall is lacking some of the classic Muppet charm. The high budget and overload of pop culture references make it feel dated, and while the previous film faced similar issues, it worked well because the human side of the story was so well fused into the outlandish set-up. This movie doesn't have that same emotional core to keep it from feeling overly commercial.

Additionally, while Ricky Gervais is a great comedian, his position here is a little unnatural, as he often plays with reserved energy as opposed to the overly-expressive and goofy presence that the characters typically take.

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The Muppets
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