Every Nick Hornby Movie & TV Adaptation - Ranked From Worst To Best

7. Slam - Tutto Per Una Ragazza (2016)

john cusack high fidelity
Indigo Film

Tutto Per Una Ragazza, or Slam, is the Italian film adaptation of Nick Hornby’s Slam. The novel focuses around a teenage boy named Sam who has to deal with the fact that he’s going to become a father at a young age. Like the book, the film flicks through time as Sam randomly experiences visions of his future, pieces together forgotten parts and has to continue life in the present.

The film widely takes from the novel, using lots of its dialogue and simply switches the British location to an Italian counterpart, ie. Instead of London, we have Rome. Despite the change of language and country, this adaptation remains very close to the original source material however unfortunately suffers from simply being boring.

Slam starts strong with humour and the adorableness of watching a young teenage relationship blossom but everything quickly switches once we begin to lose sympathy for Sam and the plot begins to fall into midday TV teen pregnancy special. A little more skating, Nick Hornby indie flair and humour throughout could have made this film a heck of a lot better.


An encyclopedia on European cinema, hardcore music and Lana Del Rey.