Every Nick Hornby Movie & TV Adaptation - Ranked From Worst To Best

6. Fever Pitch (1997)

john cusack high fidelity
Channel 4 Films

Unfortunately, the first Fever Pitch adaption is still pretty low on the list, but there are a couple of key differences between this and the second that makes it much better. The 1997 Fever Pitch has a good heart, charm and retains the key to what made the book relate to so many: it’s love of British football and mainly Arsenal.

Fever Pitch has a joyous heart to it and will appeal both to fans of football and those that love a good old romcom. If you’re a fan of Arsenal, it’s likely that you’ve already seen this film, and if you were a fan of Arsenal in the late 1980s, this film is guaranteed to make you feel all kinds of nostalgia and love for your club. Even those that were around at that time or had a vague interest in football will get so much out of Fever Pitch.

Having the screenplay written by Nick Hornby allows the film to be truthful, yet entertaining but it can veer over to the silly and boyish. Despite its faults, Fever Pitch is a definitive film about the life of a die hard football fan, and remains the best filmic version of the novel so far.


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