Every Non-MCU Marvel Movie RANKED From Worst To Best

36. The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Marvel Movies
Sony Pictures Releasing

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is one movie made up of everything wrong with superhero movies. Scratch that, it's made up of everything wrong with movies in general.

There is SO MUCH going on in this film, and very little of it makes any sense whatsoever. It feels like entire storylines were hastily ripped out and violently thrown onto the cutting room floor., but not even this can stop it feeling like an overlong, overbloated mess.

Jamie Foxx's Electro does sing his own theme song, and Paul Giamatti is just giving it everything as the Rhino. At least they seem to be having fun.

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Jimmy Kavanagh is an Irish writer and co-founder of Club Valentine Comedy, a Dublin-based comedy collective. You can hear him talk to his favourite comedians about their favourite comics on his podcast, Comics Swapping Comics.