Every Pixar Movie Ranked From Worst To Best
20. Monsters University
Monsters University might be the single most disappointing Pixar movie despite actually still being pretty damn fun.
The concept, of a Monsters Inc. prequel taking the form of a college-set comedy, is so ingeniously inspired, and yet the end result only sometimes lives up to that promise.
Yet packed with goofy laughs, pretty animation, and some fantastic monster designs, there is admittedly still a lot to like here, even if Pixar's usual sophistry is lacking in the script.
Billy Crystal and John Goodman anchor the entire thing with their superb vocal performances, but like Cars 2 this feels like a film that'd probably end up going direct to Disney+ these days.
Nobody needed a Monsters Inc. prequel, but the concept got us all excited, and then the execution was just... pretty good.