Every Pixar Movie Ranked Worst To Best

2. Toy Story 2

Toy Story 2 When She Loved Me

The Toy Story ranking is very much a close-run thing, but the second one wins the race because of how well it advances the ideas of the first movie while also layering on maturity, even more emotional heft and some of the best characters in the series.

The sequel outdoes its predecessor in a couple of fairly simple ways on the surface: Stinky Pete is a far better villain than Sid, Woody is distinctly more complex and more likeable (he's actually a bit of a douchebag in the first movie) and "When She Loved Me" is easily the franchise's best (and most devastating) song.

Not only does it advance Woody's story (and offer a tease of his devastating, isolated past that wouldn't be paid off until Toy Story 4 was released), but it also takes Buzz's arc on further too, clashing his new self-awareness with his pig-headed obstinance in the first movie. And on top of that we get the additions of Jesse, The Prospector, Zurg, Wheezy and Bullseye. How could it possibly not be the best of them?

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