Every Ridley Scott Movie Ranked Worst To Best

15. White Squall (1996)

russell crowe gladiator
Buena Vista

It's a rule of the movies that Jeff Bridges is one of the most consistently engaging and dependable leading stars of his generation, and it might just be that without him - and Ridley Scott's eye for natural beauty - White Squall wouldn't have fared as well it has.

Though far from Scott's most adventurous or critically acclaimed works, the coming-of-age disaster drama features enough heart, humour and emotional baggage to make it feel more alive and vibrant than many of his other projects.

Sure, there are brief spells when the sentimentality is slightly overbearing, but watching Bridges' strict disciplinarian Skipper bond with the mismatched students in his care as their ship - the famous Albatross - threatens to doom them all, is nothing short of magical and bursting with sweetness.

As noted, some of the more emotional scenes can slip into all-out melodrama, but thanks in equal parts to Bridges' complex lead performance and the unforgettable beauty of the oceanic cinematography, White Squall is certainly one of Scott's more endearing films.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.