Every Ridley Scott Movie Ranked Worst To Best

14. Hannibal (2001)

russell crowe gladiator

Comparing Hannibal to its far superior predecessor The Silence of the Lambs (1991) is a fool's errand. Each movie features a different director, a change in lead star and a completely different tone. They were also made a decade apart, and set about to say much different things about the sinister Dr Lecter (Anthony Hopkins).

Hannibal is a devilishly cruel and macabre film, lacking its predecessor's tension but making up for it with an added eye for grisly violence and disturbing shock twists.

Hannibal is Ridley Scott's most overtly troubling movie, constantly shifting between blood-fuelled horror and increasingly unsettling character dynamics, and though at times it feels as though it's only purpose is to disturb and throw in gore for gore's sake, it makes all of it worthwhile thanks to Hopkins' horrifying lead performance and Jullianne Moore's engaging turn as Clarice Sterling.

Not a game-changer, but a daring addition to the Lecter saga all the same.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.