Every Screen Batman Ranked From Worst To Best

6. Val Kilmer

Warner Bros. Pictures
Warner Bros. Pictures

Oh, pick your jaws up, Val Kilmer deserves nothing like the criticism he has received since the release of Batman Forever. Just ask Bob Kane, who once proclaimed him his favourite.

There is a coolness and a detachment in Kilmer's performance that perfectly complimentsthe alouf awkwardness that Michael Keaton had so perfectly brought to his performance as Bruce Wayne. And he offers much needed balance alongside the mugging, pantomime silliness of Jim Carrey and Tommy Lee Jones' performances as the villains.

Sure, Kilmer struggles with the Bat-voice, but he at least didn't make it cartoonish, and he was still hamstrung by Schumacher's poor material and direction. And despite that, he is cool, complex and haunted, and he definitelylooks the part, despite the silly suit.

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