Every Spider-Man Movie Villain (Ranked From Worst To Best)

7. Sandman (Spider-Man 3)

Faring slightly better in the €˜who€™s the worst villain in Spider-Man 3?€™ stakes, Thomas Haden Church€™s portrayal of Flint Marko/Sandman at least gets a little bit more character development than Topher Grace€™s Venom. For example, we know all about Marko€™s personal life. The estranged daughter and the prison time are both made clear, in a bid to get us emotionally invested in the character. This might not work enough to make us really care about him, but it at least ensures that we know why Marko is the man that he is. The CGI for Sandman is pretty good, as well. The problem, really, is that Sandman is shoehorned jarringly into Peter€™s past, as another perpetrator in the murder of Uncle Ben. This decision garnered a hefty backlash, casting a negative shadow of this villain. Also, his origin scene asked us to stretch our suspension of disbelief rather a lot, even for a comic book movie. Would the workers in that science lab place really not check on unexpected readings? Why would they assume it was a bird? This - and the Uncle Ben thing - make Sandman seem very silly indeed. Sadly, with a different script, Mr Haden Church probably could€™ve done much better.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.