Every Spike Lee Movie Ranked Worst To Best

20. Da Sweet Blood Of Jesus (2014)

Do The Right Thing
Gravitas Ventures

Unquestionably the most bizarre and tonally jarring movie of Lee's eclectic career, Da Sweet Blood of Jesus serves as the director's ill-fated journey into the world of horror.

A remake of the vastly superior '73 cult classic Ganja & Hess, the film was made on a shoestring budget, and attempts to tell a dozen different stories with a dozen different messages about race, class and politics at once.

With its excessively strange tone, off-kilter acting performances and unrefined experimentation, the whole thing is the kind of movie you have to see to believe, but one you should only really seek out if you're a Lee purist.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.