Every Star Trek Movie Villain Ranked From Worst To Best
8. Ru'afo

Star Trek: Insurrection, the ninth film in the franchise, has been criticized by many for being underwhelming, or even that it is closer to being a long episode of The Next Generation than working as a stand-alone movie. While there is merit in both of those arguments, one part of the film is simply too good to do anything other than enjoy: F. Murray Abraham's performance as Ru'afo, the leader of the Son'a.
He owns every scene that he is present in, speaking with such a slow, deliberate and arrogant manner that it is impossible to hate him, no matter his crimes. While his image may be a bit beyond what anyone would truly like to have done to them, he takes pleasure in the skin stretching process, keeping his youth at the cost of his soul.
While his motivation may be a little thin - he was among many Bak'u who were banished from their world for trying to take over the colony - he has returned with such power and poise that it is clear that the man feels completely in control at all times. The source of some of the best screams of rage in the franchise, Ru'afo may not be in the top tier of villains, but he is no less enjoyable than any.