Every Star Trek Movie Villain Ranked From Worst To Best

9. Kruge

Borg Queen Star Trek Picard

Christopher Lloyd's Commander Kruge is not a very nice man. In fact, one might go so far as to call him many names, none of which will be flattering. However, along with Khan, this villain succeeds in hurting Admiral Kirk in a deep, personal way. His motivations are questionable, though he cites protecting the Empire as his main reason for engaging in the attacks on the USS Grissom and the USS Enterprise.

He commands one small Bird of Prey, though with it he manages to secure the Genesis data, overcome the Grissom, send troops to the Genesis planet and cripple the Enterprise, even if the latter was severely damaged by the Reliant first. He is a Klingon who has a unique approach to honour. Under the banner of protecting the Empire, he is able to murder his former lover and execute prisoners at will.

It is this that scores him highly here - he is responsible for the death of Kirk's son, David Marcus. Behind the scenes, it was known that one of the prisoners on the planet had to die to prove to Kirk how high the stakes were. It was decided that it would be Marcus, as his penance for using protomatter in the Genesis project. Still, this led to the showdown between Kirk and Kruge.

Though dying in any capacity is hardly fun, being kicked in the face until falling to a pit of lava sounds about as far from fun as it's possible to get.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick