Every Star Trek Movie Villain Ranked From Worst To Best
17. Krall

Idris Elba is a fantastic actor who deserved better. Star Trek Beyond, while a stronger film overall than its predecessor, committed the mortal sin of placing its guest star in heavy prosthetics, making him speak mostly in an alien tongue and robbing the audience of much time to enjoy his rampage.
The film moves along at a breathless pace which, while good for cramming as much story in as possible, means that some character moments are sacrificed along the way. Krall is simply a hulking villain with very little reason for being. While the plot holes in the script are big enough to fly a swarm through, it's not simply this that's the issue. Krall was able to pilot the swarm through the nebula with ease. Why then did he remain lost for so long?
Despite Elba giving it his best, Krall is simply forgettable as a villain. His master plan of wiping out everyone on Starbase Yorktown just seems pointless as well. There's nothing in it, rather than a strange gesture of mass murder. Even that didn't strike the right note. Star Trek Beyond is a fine film, though despite its lead villain.