Every Star Trek Movie Villain Ranked From Worst To Best
16. V'Ger

V'Ger serves something of a dual role on this list. It is certainly villainous to an extent. Three Klingon Battlecruisers, Epsilon IX and Lt. Ilia all suffer a cruel fate at the energy tendrils of the vast consciousness, vaporized out of existence to expand its own memory banks. However, there is an argument for the vessel simply not understanding the significance of these incidents.
The original Voyager 6 probe was certainly harmless when it was swallowed by a Black Hole, emerging on the far side of the Galaxy. There, it encountered a race of machine beings who transformed it and sent it on its way back to Earth. Along the way, it continued to gather and to learn, though this led to the destruction that the vessel brought with it.
It wasn't evil in any regards. It was as casually damaging to other races and beings, as the boot is to the insects in the grass. When Decker was able to merge with it and help it evolve, it simply left Earth and our plane of existence behind, travelling off to find another journey to engage on.