Every Star Wars Lightsaber Duel Ranked From Worst To Best

9. Yoda VS. Count Dooku

Anakin and Obi-Wan lightsaber duel

I teased it earlier, so I'm sure you knew it was coming eventually.

Say what you will about CGI Yoda and his flips; this was amazing. Finally seeing THE Jedi Master, Yoda himself, work with a blade was an incredible moment, and Lucas handled it perfectly.

Having Yoda come waltzing in after Anakin and Obi-Wan's failure, only to drop his cane, slowly pull back his robe like an old-west gunslinger, and draw his lightsaber for the first time was the kind of entrance fans could only dream of prior to 2002.

The ensuing fight with Dooku showcases both their relative powers with the Force, and with a blade, and even has the balls to end on a rather dour note. Even Yoda is not the ex-machina they do desperately needed to capture Dooku and stop the war. Instead, Dooku uses Yoda's own compassion for his students against him, and escapes.

Also, any film that gives Frank Oz an excuse to make grunting and loud Yoda noises to accompany his many acrobatics, in as convincing a fashion as this, deserves to be honored.

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A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.