Every Star Wars Lightsaber Duel Ranked From Worst To Best

8. Finn/Rey VS. Kylo Ren

Anakin and Obi-Wan lightsaber duel

Episode VII had a lot to deliver, but perhaps its greatest accomplishment was delivering an incredibly compelling set of protagonists, especially Rey, and a wonderful new antagonist in the from of Kylo Ren. The finale of the film plays to these strengths, delivering on the collision their courses had seemed destined towards since the first act.

The stakes are certainly raised as Finn gets his spine sliced open, but the true majesty of the fight takes place as the fabled Skywalker saber flies out of the snow, and into the extended hands of Rey. She uses it to fight the injured Kylo Ren through the snowy forest, as the planet beneath their feet falls apart.

It is a return to form in terms of choreography, clearly airing more towards the fighting style of the Original Trilogy, which makes perfect sense within the narrative as well. Abrams also takes special care to make sure to capture Rey's emotional state in his visuals, which adds an entirely different emotional-aspect to the sequence.

When it ends with Rey slicing Kylo's face and giving him a reason to wear that silly mask, it is incredibly fulfilling, and feels like the promising beginning of a long story for these two characters.

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A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.