Every Star Wars Movie Villain Ranked From Worst To Best

1. The Emperor Palpatine

Star Wars Villains

Darth Vader’s not number one? Blasphemy! Well, just hear me out for a second.

Think back to the events of the series, and who engineered pretty much everything? Who turned good men evil, and managed to seize power by manipulating people’s ego and fear? And who managed to do all this while mainly sitting down in a comfortable chair?

That’s right, your old pal Emperor Palpatine. This odious ghoul seemed harmless enough in the early days of the prequels, but by Revenge Of The Sith, it was clear who was pulling the strings. Ian McDiarmid's performance is so captivating you can see how he managed to bend people to his will, and the biggest fight in Return Of The Jedi is Luke resisting the urge to give into his rage and sever Palpatine’s head.

Sure, Darth’s the cool one, but if it wasn’t for the Emperor and his scheming the saga wouldn’t be nearly as epic.

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Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.