Every Star Wars Movie Villain Ranked From Worst To Best

2. Darth Vader

Star Wars Villains

It wouldn’t be a list of Star Wars villains without Vader, who's not just one of the best villains in the genre, but also one of the best in cinema period. Everything from his black suit, raspy breathing to that voice oozes menace, and his tragic backstory just adds more layers.

Instead of undermining his power it makes him all the more compelling, knowing there's a formerly good man buried in that suit. It helps his scary rep that in his very first scene he straight up crushes a dude’s throat, and is later seen force choking some douche who insults his faith. His awesomeness even extends to Rogue One, where he has all of two scenes, with his second appearance – where he massacres a hallway of armed guards – being the most applause-worthy moment of the entire film.

Darth will forever more be a hall of fame villain, and there’s only one other character in the series who outranks him in the evil stakes...

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Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.