Every Stephen King Movie Ranked Worst To Best

26. The Night Flier (1997)

Stephen King Movies Ranked
New Line Cinema

The story of a cynical journalist who hops on the trail of hungry vampire leaving everyone it comes across gruesomely murdered, The Night Flier is as grimy as the newspaper its protagonist writes for, but its mystery is half-hearted and its horror - aside from some gory violence - fails to leave a lasting impression. 

That said, the pace is full-throttle and the late, great Miguel Ferrer turns in a powerful performance as a journalist who's given up but keeps plodding along until the bitter end. The Night Flier is typical 90s King fare, neither excellent nor terrible, its potential for greatness as out of reach as its nocturnal killer. 

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Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.