Every Stephen King Movie Ranked Worst To Best

20. It Chapter Two (2019)

Stephen King Movies Ranked
Warner Bros.

It Chapter Two had a lot riding on its shoulders following the success and thrills of its predecessor, which is why what we got ended up being such a letdown. 

Bloated to an almost three-hour runtime, Andy Muschietti's sequel follows the kids of the previous film all grown-up (and played by the likes of Jessica Chastain, James McAvoy and Bill Hader), and its time-jumping narrative, paired with a slogging final showdown with the increasingly less scary Pennywise the Clown, leaves it overcrowded.

That being said, the performances are excellent and Muschietti crafts some seriously staggering set pieces around the concept of trauma and enduring friendship. It needed cut down and less familiar shocks, but there's still plenty here to sink your teeth into. 

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I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.