Every Stephen King Movie Ranked Worst To Best

43. Dreamcatcher (2003)

Stephen King Movies Ranked
Warner Bros.

Before adapting King's nasty body-horror-alien novel Dreamcatcher (which was written after a near-death experience that left the author in considerable pain), director Lawrence Kasdan produced the likes of Body Heat and The Big Chill, and even wrote The Empire Strikes Back and Raiders of the Lost Ark.

In Dreamcatcher, the old Kasdan is nowhere to be found. Although stars Thomas Jane and Morgan Freeman seem committed to the film's madcap plot, the gnarly physical horror, nasty visuals and attempted military thrills leave little to be desired. It's a cruel film trying for too much, and its wildness leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.

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i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other