Every Steven Spielberg Movie Ranked From Worst To Best
30. Indiana Jones & The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull (2008)

Broadly embraced by critics at the time but rabidly torn apart by fans, Indiana Jones 4 clearly had effort and energy put into it by both Spielberg and its game cast, but most of that energy was sadly in the wrong direction, largely thanks to an atrociously daft script from David Koepp.
Be it the CGI prairie dogs, Shia LaBeouf as Indy Jr., the infamous nuking-the-fridge scene - a moment so infuriating for fans that it became the new-age "jumped the shark" - or the somewhat awkward addition of aliens, it's a film that only occasionally captures the joyous essence of the original trilogy.
Harrison Ford's still as spry as anything, but more than anything, it was just sad to see Spielberg take such a rare, aggressively ill-advised misstep.