Every Superhero Movie This Decade Ranked - Worst To Best
36. X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)

An extremely disappointing effort from the typically reliable Bryan Singer, X-Men: Apocalypse is superhero cinema at its most basically competent and watchable, while lacking the inspiration that the franchise has been enjoying in recent years.
From the totally underwhelming portrayal of the titular villain (a wasted Oscar Isaac) to the bloated, over-plotted and predictable narrative - Magneto (Michael Fassbender) turns bad again, shocker! - it fails to deliver on expectations, even if it still never really becomes legitimately bad.
Thanks to Singer's solid direction, an appealing cast and a number of entertaining action sequences - especially Quicksilver's (Evan Peters) X-Mansion evacuation and Wolverine's (Hugh Jackman) cameo - it settles for being an "OK" X-Men movie. Given the potential for Apocalypse to be the franchise's Thanos, though, it's disconcerting how little impact the character made.