Every Superhero Movie This Decade Ranked - Worst To Best
24. Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

In retrospect, it's pretty amazing how much pre-release scepticism there was about a Captain America movie being anything more than a lame flag-waving exercise, but thanks to its old-school adventure movie tone, a terrific Chris Evans performance and a crucial self-awareness, this was MCU Phase One's most pleasant surprise.
Sure, the CGI hasn't aged particularly well - especially the "skinny Steve" effects - but it boasts one of the franchise's most compelling romances to date, Red Skull (Hugo Weaving) is a suitably OTT villain, and its earnestness is a refreshing response to the hyper-sarcasm of the Iron Man movies.
Cleverly crafting an iconic superhero while lightly ribbing war movies as propaganda, director Joe Johnston walks a delicate tight-rope and largely pulls it off.